ICI Fund Companies meeting
Oct 19th 2023
Israeli startups will continue to thrive, develop groundbreaking technologies and secure our future, no matter what.
Israeli startups are fighting all fronts, war and business. While some of the employees were called to serve or were influenced by the war in other ways, Israeli startups have already reorganized their teams and built new strategies to make sure they continue to provide best services to clients and grow their businesses while putting the well-being of employees as top priority.
Below are some great insights that were shared on a call with ICI Fund companies:
👉 We are continuing with business as usual and keeping a routine but at the same time we are attentive to employees
👉We increased the number of sync up meetings and the length of the meetings, to allow employees to share stories
👉Global teams were asked to continue as usual and invite Israeli employees to participate in meetings with clients as often as possible
👉We all agree that it is for the benefit of all of us to be busy with work during these days
👉We adapted a new schedule to allow more participation of employees with kids at home
👉Since some of the fundraising process were halted, some reduced (for a temporary period) salaries of employees (and increased equity) in order to extend runway
👉We will never stop, no matter what
ICI Fund strongly believes that it is the best time to invest in Israeli startups. Not only due to the strength and resilience of Israeli founders and employees and the groundbreaking technologies, but also because this current business climate that creates unprecedent investment opportunities is only temporary and will not be repeated (!).
ICI Fund invests in early stage startups with Israeli founders and AI solutions that secure our future. Since only 2% of startup funding is allocated to companies founded by women, we believe that even less than 2% will be invested these days and in the near future in Israeli female founders and therefore ICI Fund is actively looking to invest in diversified teams.
Israeli startups are resilient. They have always faced global and internal challenges successfully due to their ability to adapt very quickly to new realities and their striving to make a change through technology.
ICI Fund continues and will always continue to support Israeli founders as it strongly believes that the transformation of our future for a better and more secure world could only happen with Israeli technologies.