We are ICI

Innovation. Community. Intelligence.

Partnering with people. Doing the impossible.

We partner with entrepreneurs who develop groundbreaking AI technologies and dream to transform our world.

About Us
Partnered with Innosphere Ventures Logo

US business people from different industries, corporates and roles who believe in Israeli AI technologies' capabilities and would like to support their growth.

Investment focusAI Technologies Securing Our Future

  • Saving Resources

    • AI for good
    • Water
    • Food
    • Carbon reduction
  • Securing our Future

    • Cyber Security
    • Risk Management
    • Computer Vision
  • Increasing Efficiency

    • Cloud Infrastructure
    • Generative AI
    • Robotics
    • Productivity and Efficiency Applications
    • LLM & NLP


See All
See All
  • UrbanMix
    UrbanMix Logo

    Founded by two Cornell-Technion Ph.D. graduates, UrbanMix addresses the $74 billion annual loss problem caused by unit vacancies in the real estate sector. UrbanMix is transforming real estate management with its state-of-the-art AI-driven 3D visualization platform, which enhances efficiency and revenue. This innovative platform and interactive system streamline workflows, automate decision-making, and boost annual rent revenue […]

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  • Reborn
    Reborn Logo

    Reborn’s objective is to revolutionize neuroimaging by developing the first portable and safe brain scanner based on ultrasound technology. This innovative 3D imaging solution is designed to provide capabilities comparable to CT scans, assisting in diagnosing and monitoring conditions such as stroke and TBI, and making such technology accessible from anywhere at any time.

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  • RangersAI
    RangersAI Logo

    Rangers.ai is helping financial institutions reduce scam losses by empowering individuals realize authentic communication, protecting them from manipulation and fraud.

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  • FeminAI
    FeminAI Logo

    Feminai enables breast cancer screening from home, by providing an early detection tool for the most common cancer in women. Offering a remote alternative to clinical breast examinations through an innovative wearable AI-based solution that is swift, cost-effective, operator-independent, and enables direct communication with doctors from the comfort of home.

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  • Pelles.ai
    Pelles.ai Logo

    Pelles.ai creates optimal MEP designs from architectural floor plans using generative AI and path-planning algorithms. Pelles’ mission is to automate the MEP design process, taking on all the tedious and repetitive tasks, saving MEP designers time and money.    ​

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  • UrbanMix
  • Reborn
  • RangersAI
  • FeminAI
  • Pelles.ai
  • Supported by

  • Supported by

  • Collaboration with

  • Israel Innovation Authority

    ICI Fund, a US-based fund, invests in Israeli AI tech companies and supports their growth in the US market. ICI Fund collaborates with the Israel Innovation Authority, an independent publicly funded agency that was created to provide a variety of practical tools and funding platforms aimed at effectively addressing the dynamic and changing needs of the local and international innovation ecosystems.

  • State of Colorado

    The State of Colorado formally supports ICI's mission to bring innovative Israeli companies to Colorado.

  • Israel Innovation Authority2

    The American Water Works Association is an international, nonprofit, scientific and educational society dedicated to providing total water solutions assuring the effective management of water. Founded in 1881, the Association is the largest organization of water supply professionals in the world.

Providing US market access

We are passionate about sharing our experiences with ambitious Israeli entrepreneurs and helping them scale up their businesses in the US market.

Our Team

What’s Next


  • Zohar Scheinin

    " Gili is one of the most optimistic people I have ever known. When I am down and need encouragement, she is the first person I go to. I can share with Gili everything about our company – our successes along with the challenges we are facing, and I know that she will always support us, no matter what; she will offer to help us get over any challenge; I can count on her that she is always there. ICI Fund's support in the US market is fundamental to our success. Gili will reach out to anyone in the industry (CEOs of large utilities, corporations, mayors, governors, VCs...) and can get a hold of anyone with no time. Not only that she has a wide network but also, she has the stamina to reach the right people and introduce them to us. Gili is a person that entrepreneurs would always want at their companies and by their sides."

    Zohar Scheinin

    COO and co-founder, Kando, ICI Fund's portfolio company

  • Lee Kappon

    " ICI is all about relationships. They support the founders’ vision, way of thinking and spirit. Their support makes everything possible."

    Lee Kappon

    CEO and co-founder, Suridata, ICI Fund's portfolio company

  • Erez Dror

    " Gili and the ICI fund were the first ones to believe in us. Since then, for the last three years, the fund supported us in many ways: funding rounds, talent acquisition, customer acquisition, and general advice when needed. The support we get from ICI is unique and priceless. It is not the regular introduction email many others do, it is working with us in the trenches to make the company succeed. Working together, brainstorming together, and traveling together to meet customers to make sure we are meeting our goals. I couldn't ask for better partners. "

    Erez Dror

    CEO and co-founder, Genda, ICI Fund's portfolio company

  • Idan Wiener

    " ICI Fund has a different approach than other VCs. The moment I met ICI's fund leadership and portfolio founders, I felt at home. They are the compass of our ship, destined to change the world. "

    Idan Wiener

    CEO and co-founder, illustria, ICI Fund's portfolio company

  • Yvonne Forest

    " Resilience is a big issue for Houston at this time and Israel seems to be on the cutting edge of innovation that could help us build a resilient utility of the future. On the US Water Delegation to Israel, I learned a lot about cybersecurity, monitoring of our wastewater system and some treatment technologies for wastewater that I will definitely take back home and talk with to team about. My biggest benefit from the trip was building the relationships and talking with users of the technologies; sometime you need that first hand experience to help understand the intricacies of innovative technologies. "

    Yvonne Forest

    Director, Houston Water, Industry Advisor, ICI Fund

  • David Cohen

    " As an entrepreneur myself, I value the importance of adapting quickly to changes and of responding fast in challenging times. What I found that characterizes many Israeli entrepreneurs that ICI woks with is their resilience to challenges and ability to tackle a challenge from many angles simultaneously. "

    David Cohen

    Co-Founder, Managing Partner and Board Member, Techstars; LP, ICI Fund

  • Marilyn Carol

    " With the current worldwide pandemic, other problems are taking a backseat but they will not go away. For example, there is a growing water shortage in the western United States. Water technology is an area that ICIF has been pursuing since its inception. Israel, a world leader in water technology, is a good place to look for companies that we can invest in and help bring their technologies here to solve this most significant problem. We are impressed with our current portfolio companies."

    Marilyn Carol

    Advisory Board Member, ICI Fund

  • Robert Weaver

    " I believe it is important to share innovative technologies globally. It is not only good business but it is essential for the advancement of humanity. An example is that much of the unique water technology we saw during our trip to Israel can help us all adjust to some of the results of Global Climate Change. The equation is simple: Israeli innovation + our seed capital and marketing expertise = a win for all participants."

    Robert Weaver

    Advisory Board Member, ICI Fund

  • Chris Dermody

    " I have been exposed to some Israeli companies in the past and understood that they have some pretty interesting technologies. When I met Gili at ICI Fund I learned that there are all kinds of opportunities that we can indulge in to learn more. The trip provided all kind of exposure to everything from treatment technologies to information technologies, OT technologies and security technologies. The biggest benefit from the trip was the exposure to the way Israeli companies operate, the way they function, the way they design and the way they innovate. "

    Chris Dermody

    Former CIO, Denver Water; Digital Solutions Expert, Jacobs

  • Biju George

    " Through the US delegation to Israel I got to experience the beautiful country and learned how connected the economy the government and the industry are and how closely they work around innovation and technology. My benefit was that I learned how the technologies are originating and got a better view on how I can consume the Israeli technologies better by leveraging the entire enabling ecosystem."

    Biju George

    COO, DC Water

  • Heath Cardie

    " Having over 20 years in the investment world, I appreciate the weight that entrepreneurs carry while following their dreams and executing their plans. The ICI Fund is unique in its partnership with the Israel Innovation Authority and with Innosphere Ventures which supports the scale up of the portfolio companies in the US market. However, what I find mostly unique is the hands on of the ICI Fund’s team and the strong partnership with the entrepreneurs of the portfolio companies. I personally met some of the founders of the portfolio companies and I look forward to meeting more extraordinary and ambitious Israeli leaders, sharing my experiences with them and learning from their own experiences."

    Heath Cardie

    Managing Director, 1248 Management; Advisory Board Member, ICI Fund

  • Bob Lembke

    " Israel’s strength is its people and the strong will to make an impact in the world through innovation. ICI Fund’s team is relentlessly helping – as strong partners – the extraordinary Israeli entrepreneurs grow in the US market. I enjoy helping promoting the Israeli companies in the US--especially in the agriculture and water industries but also in other industries--and I look forward to witnessing the strong impact of these ambitions people all over the world. "

    Bob Lembke

    President, United Water and Sanitation District; Advisory Board Member, ICI Fund

  • David Fishman

    " There are a number of reasons why the ICI Fund is an exciting opportunity for me as an investor. One of the main area's is access Gili and the ICI Fund provide for LP's to the portfolio companies. It is often challenging to see how an LP can help a Portfolio company succeed beyond the investment. However, with ICI you can meet, integrate, support, advise and lend your expertise to help grow an individual Portfolio company that you find exciting and interesting. It has been a pleasure to work with ICI Funded companies. Gili and the team have a knack for identifying not just great ideas but also great people. I hope my continued involvement with the Fund and the Portfolio companies continues to return dividends beyond the financial results. Israeli entrepreneurs are a wonderful type of person and being able to engage with them directly is truly a unique and blessed opportunity."

    David Fishman

    Advisory Board Member, ICI Fund

  • John Balliew

    " El Paso Water puts public health as top priority and uses advanced technology to control the quality of its water and its wastewater. Reducing pollution in the wastewater reduces the risk associated with an overflow of the wastewater to the streets. This is extremely important these days when the wastewater network is overloaded with wipes and paper towels. Extracting data continuously and remotely from the wastewater collection network and using advanced algorithms to analyze the data and understand the pollution sources, allow El Paso Water to control the wastewater quality 24/7 and protect the public health."

    John Balliew

    CEO, President, El Paso Water